Animo Year 2020 is completely different to how we thought it would be and we know that we are not alone in this. Since March 2020, this time has also been transformative and although there is quite a lot of fear and uncertainty out there, we have found some solace and outlet in our music.
The AEMC conference gave us a boost of confidence. It was wonderful to be once again surrounded (virtually) by fellow musicians, Academics and Performers. Their feedback (shown here in screenshots) was kind and enthusiastic and we were so happy to receive it. We would absolutely love to collaborate with everyone!
Sarah and I have started working on our 'new music' pieces, Zooming (now a verb) with two of our composers last week. Helen Walker and Tara Guram are both super composers and we are indeed very lucky to have pieces written by them. Oh, and Sarah gets to change flutes from Alto to Piccolo to open-hole flute (and multiphonics!).
I have edited the Composers section on our website with the latest updates about how work is progressing. We are looking forward to speaking with Edmund in two weeks' time and, as always, excited to perform the pieces for him even though we are still getting to know them.
Sarah's instagram posts follow our story and we hope that you'll stay 'tuned' to watch and read more about how we are getting on.
We have submitted two of our 'ANIMO one' pieces for the AEMC's new publication and CD and keeping fingers crossed that this project will take off and the publication will go live by 2021.
We have been looking and listening to other performers who are streaming their music on Zoom or YouTube and, yes, Animo, will also go live very soon. We are now contemplating several different platforms.
We have a few options in mind:
- Live outdoor concert - small intimate gathering of family and a few friends with music for a Summer's Evening. We will take a video which we will later release on social media.
- Zoom concert - by link invitation and/or live
- YouTube live streaming and Premiere for some of our 'new music' pieces
- More rehearsal videos and our mini-series which Sarah is plotting:)
We are keeping busy and very, very happy playing music we love.
Keep well and stay tuned to Animo!